What is Mobile Banking?
Perform routine transactions at your own convenience when and where you want.
What is a mini statement?
Document that shows your last 10 transactions.
What are credit card fast payments?
The ability to pay BBVA Compass Credit Card with immediate available credit.
What is email address or mobile number and $ amount?
Information needed to send payment.
Who is Manolo Sanchez?
Individual insisting all employees become Blue Guru's.
How do you register for Mobile Banking from your mobile device?
Must use check card and pin number.
What is 30 percent?
The percent of the Channel Engagement modifier is based on increased ATM deposits?
What is immediately?
Length of time for debit to post from account for fast payment.
What is Payment and Transfer tab?
Location of online banking to Pay People.
Who is Jeff Talpas, Manolo Sanchez and Raphael Bustillo?
Three Executive Management Team members coming to Huntsville on July 16th.
What is make and view bill Payments to existing payees?
Information/tranactions accessible from Bill Pay on your mobile device.
What is 33 percent?
Percent of customers use the ATM at least weekly.
What is Bill Pay?
Ability to make payments anytime to anyone quickly and securely.
What is alert that money has been sent?
Method Payee notified of payment.
What is Mortgages?
Product all branches should be prioritizing.
What is view check images, balance charts, spending and budget tools, transfer funds between accounts and view posted and pending transactions?
Information accessible about your checking account via mobile banking.
What is choose your own pin number?
Use of Demomate.
What is home, work or mobile device?
Places to access Bill Pay.
What is or their banks online banking?
Method Payee retrieves their funds.
What is $100.00?
Incentive amount to new WorkPlace Solution csutomers.
What is alerts, reminders to notifiy you of balances, deposits, NSF fees, bills coming due, and failed transactions?
Notifications you can set up on your mobile device.
What is 8:30 PM?
Daily deadline for ATM deposits.
What is eBills?
An application to help manage online paymnets and checks.
What is text message?
Method BBVA customers is notified of POP Money sent to them.
What is July 12, 2014?
Deadline for $100 offer for new WorkPlace Solutions cutomers.