Important Dates | Starts with B | Vacation | Hometown Things | Fun Facts |
What is October 2020?
When we got Covid (m/y)
Who is Barbie?
This fashion doll debuted in 1959 and lives in Malibu
What is Build-a-Bear?
Name of the store we got stuffed animals at- St. Louis Zoo
What is Talcott Library?
Where we did the summer reading program
What is mayonnaise?
Madi dips everything in...
What is 2015?
The year we moved in to Jeff Drive
What is bread?
This grain product comes in a variety of flavors and wasn't sold sliced until 1928.
What is a Suburban?
Name of the car we got for Florida trip- had wifi
What is Sams?
Best pizza place in Belvidere
What is white?
Brooke’s color of her cast when she broke her arm
What is November 2010?
Jets Gotcha Day (m/y)
What is a bald eagle?
These large birds are a symbol of freedom in America
What is Disney's Contemporary Resort?
The Hotel we stayed in at Disney World
What is Dairy Depot?
Cow themed ice cream spot
Who is Mr. Teresi?
Liz's current favorite teacher
What is March 2018?
When we met Cassie (m/y)
What is Boston?
The Massachusetts town famous for their cream pies
What is Crowne Plaza?
The name of hotel where we got locked out of room
What is Auburn High School?
Name of school that is next to the park behind Papa's old house
Who is Weezer?
Grandma's weird nickname for mom's middle name
What is March 2015?
When Rockford Rewind was created (m/y)
Who is Bill Nye?
The science guy born in 1955
What is Spencer, Tennessee?
The Cabin location for March '21 spring break trip
What is Sapora Playworld?
Name of center inside Carlson Ice Arena that we used to play at
What is E.T.?
The 80s classic that made childhood dad cry