Basketball | Words with L and O | Math | Presidents and the number they are | Stuff you should know |
What is the NBA?
The name for the basketball league.
What is lol?
A popular meaning for Laugh Out Loud.
What is 14?
What is the shooting guard?
Dwyane Wade is in this position.
What are pizza rolls?
Tiny bite size pizzas.
What is 15?
What is October?
NBA 2K14 is coming in this month.
What is frolicking?
To gallop around in a field.
What is 63?
What are the Sacramento Kings?
Travis Outlaw is on this team.
What is a troll?
In dora, A grumpy old _______ lives under a bridge.
What is 45?
What was 1891?
Basketball was created this year.
What is caroling?
Christmas time is here! Time to go _______.
What is 2+2 and 2x2?
The only tnig that stays the same between+ and x.