Name that Catholic Social Teaching theme! | CST 101 | Mixed Bag | SJP | Random |
What is Rights and Responsibilities
The CST theme that discusses and focuses on... duties to one another, to our families, and to our larger society.
What are rights?
Those conditions or things that any person needs in order to be fully what God created him or her to be
What is the Church speaking out on social issues?
The precedent set by Rerum Novarum.
What is "p"oor and vulnerable?
Priority must be given to their needs because they have greater need.
Who is Pope Leo XIII?
He wrote and published the first Church document to speak out on social issues.
What is the Life and Dignity of the Human Person?
The theme which is the foundation of all the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.
What is common good?
the social condition that allows all the people in a community to reach their full human potential and fulfill their human dignity.
What is common good?
Is NOT simply the most good for the most people
What is "J"udgement day?
According to Matthew 25, we are called to prioritize the needs of those most vulnerable in our society because we do not know when this day is coming.
What is Triangle Shirtwaist?
The name of the factory where 123 people died as a result of a fire in 1911.
What is the Option for the Poor and the Vulnerable?
The CST theme that discusses and focuses on...people who are denied the ability to participate equally in society, receive basic rights, and are without money.
What is solidarity?
Proclaims we are our brothers and sisters keeper, wherever they live.
What is transcend?
to rise above or go beyond the normal limits of (something)
What is "s"ocial?
The CST theme of Call to Family, Community, and Participation states that the person is not only sacred but also this.
Individualism Enlightened Self-Interest Compassion
The four ways to respond to suffering according to our textbook
What is Care for Creation?
This CST theme insists that we show respect to our creator by acting as stewards.
What is working condition? workplace?
According to the CST theme of Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers this must respect the rights of the workers.
What are responsibilities?
That which limits an individual’s rights for the good of others, as well as for the common good of the whole society
What is "s"erve?
According to the CST theme of Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers, the economy should do this for the people and not the other way around.
What are the Lions and the Cowboys?
These two NFL franchises play home games on Thanksgiving each year.
What is the Option for the Poor and Vulnerable?
The CST which quotes MT 25 in emphasizing the need to prioritize the needs of others before our own.
What is to care for something which usually belongs to someone else?
The function of a steward.
What is a sweat shop?
the term for a shop or factory in which employees work for long hours at low wages and in unsafe work conditions
What is "p"articipation?
The right and responsibility of all people to take part in all aspects of human society (education, politics, culture, religion, art).
What are the Panthers and the Jaguars?
What two NFL franchises have never played on Thanksgiving (both are 1995 expansion teams)