Prenatal Care Prenatal Care #2 Infancy Milestones Infancy Milestone #2 Unknown
d) beans, breads, rice, cereals, citrus fruits. All of these are high in folic acid.
Foods high in folic acid are:
a) tomatoes, strawberries, dark leafy greens, olive oil
b) chocolate, bananas, milk products, nuts
c) eggs, liver, red meat, milk products, cheese
d) beans, breads, rice, cereals, citrus fruits
c) no drug can be considered 100% safe during pregnancy; therefore the best choice is to always consult with your provider
Which of the following statements is the most correct about taking OCT meds during pregnancy?
a) acetaminophen & allergy medications should be OK for me to take during pregnancy
b) There are no OTC that are safe during pregnancy
c) I should consult with my healthcare provider before taking any OTC medication
d) OTC meds are safe, but prescription meds are the ones I need to be careful about.
c) 12 months (in the 9-12 month [1 yr] range)
What months can you expect your baby to develop "pincer grasp" ability? (aspect of fine motor skills)
a) 4 months
b) 8 months
c) 12 months
d) 15 months
Object Permanence
According to Piaget, the realization by infants beginning at about 8 months that objects continue to exist when they are out of sight is referred to as?
Name 3 diseases/disorders that can negatively affect pregnancy.
d) 2nd & 3rd trimesters
My nutritional need will be highest...
a) in the 1st trimester
b) in the 1st & 2nd trimesters
c) in the 2nd trimester
d) in the 2nd & 3rd trimesters
d) metformin - this can cause low blood sugar & lactic acidosis in the newborn
Which of the following drugs is NOT safe to take during breastfeeding?
a) acetaminophen
b) erythromycin
c) inhaled corticosteroids
d) metformin
c) double
From birth to age 4 months, my baby's weight should
a) gradually increase
b) increase by 10-15 lbs
c) double
d) increase by 5-10 lbs
c) standing & walking. Partially undressing is 13-18 mo. Internal representation starts at 18 mo. 2-word phrases starts at 24 mo. (2 yr)
Which of the following has taken place by the 12th month?
a) using some 2-word phrases
b) internal representation of the external world
c) standing and walking
d) partially undressing themselves
Moro (startle)
Tonic neck
Name 2 primitive reflexes of the newborn.
b) 40 lbs
I should be monitoring my weight during pregnancy. My weight gain should not exceed ___ lbs.
a) 25
b) 40
c) 15
d) 30
b) - adequate social interaction can be achieved with bottle-feeding as well as breast-feeding
Which of the following statements about breast-feeding's effects on the infant is INCORRECT? Breast-feeding...
a) promotes growth of nerves
b) fosters better social interactions with the mom
c) promotes better immune system functioning
d) promotes elongation of the intestinal tract
c) 13-18 mo
At what months does an baby learn to walk without support, possibly climb stairs, & take interest in imitation games and activities?
a) 5-8mo
b) 9-12mo (1 yr)
d)19-24mo (2 yr)
a) At 4 months
At what month should you start expecting your baby to sleep through the whole night?
a) 4 months
b) 6 months
c) 2 months
d) 8 months
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) / Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
In what syndrome is an infant often born with a missing or reduced philtrum and cupid's bow, drooping upper eyelids, and a much smaller head circumference than normal?
This disease can cause blindness in the newborn. Silver nitrate drops are given to the newborn after birth. This disease can be silent. If I had this disease, I would be taking cephalosporins.
-deficiency causes severe visual impairment
-deficiency can cause blindness
-deficiency causes markedly increased susceptibility to common childhood illnesses
Name one good reason why I should ensure that I have adequate vitamin A intake during pregnancy (related to baby's health)
object play
My baby should begin manipulating objects in order to provide pleasure around 5 months of age - what is this infant characteristic called?
a) voluntary control of reflexes. Peek-a-boo, motor skills, and sitting unsupported all start in 5-8 mo.
In the 0-4 month period, you can expect that your baby will:
a) take voluntary control of their reflexes
b) develop gross motor skills
c) sit upright without support.
d) play peek-a-boo with you
e) CVS (chorionic villus sampling) for genetic abnormalities
Name this test/procedure: sampling of placental tissues for prenatal diagnosis of potential genetic defects
a) amniocentesis
b) assistive reproductive technologies (ARTs)
d) Alphafetoprotein test
e) CVS
This potential fetus-harming substance creates a slight risk for miscarriage, because the baby does not have the enzyme needed to break down this substance in the body; therefore it accumulates to toxic levels & can kill the baby. This substance is safe for a non pregnant, completely healthy individual. - what am I?
*to prevent neural tube defects (spina bifida, anencephaly)
*to improve RBC production & iron function in mom
Give a reason why taking folic acid is important to take during pregnancy (related to baby's health)
b) falling in love - starts around 5 months. Becoming a 2-way communicator starts at 9 months. Building idea bridges doesn't start until 36-48 months. Being calm, interest, & attentive starts around 3 months.
Which of the following infancy milestones is CORRECTLY matched up with it's timeframe?
a) becoming calm, attentive, & interested in the world - starts around 1 month
b) falling in love - starts around 5 months
c) becoming a 2-way communicator - starts around 7 months
d) building bridges between ideas - starts around 12-14 months
c) 19-24 months (2 yr)
At what months should your infant start having a very high interest in exploring their environment?
a) around 4 months
b) 9-12 months
c) 19-24 months
e) insecure attachment
A fragile emotional bond between a child and a caregiver that often is the result of or unresponsive caregiving:
a) disoriented attachment
b) avoidant attachment
c) secure attachment
d) resistant attachment
e) insecure attachment

Prenatal Care + Infancy Milestones

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