Legal Movies, TV & Literature |
Who is Atticus Finch
This Fictional Southern attorney said, "shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird
Who is John Grisham
This author of such legal thrillers as "The Rainmaker" and "A Time to Kill" was a graduate of the University of MIssissippi Law School in 1981 and practiced criminal law before becoming a full time author
What is Law and Order
This TV legal drama, set in the New York County Manhattan District Attorney's Office, aired for 20 seasons before being cancelled in 2010.
What is The Goonies
After perfecting the truffle shuffle as Chunk in this 1985 adventure comedy film, Jeff Cohen went on to graduate from the UCLA School of Law and then started the entertainment based law firm Cohen Gardner LLP in Beverly Hills, California
What is Six
In the 1992 comedy, My Cousin Vinny, we learn that Vincent LaGuardia Gambini, place by Joe Pesci, took the bar exam this many times.