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Who is Jonah
He didn't listen and was spit up on the shores of Ninevah by a big fish.
What is 365
Fear is found _____ times in the bible.
What is Blue
Your Youth Directors favorite color.
What is Luke
The 3rd Gospel
What is David cutting off his head
We were taught a stone killed Gilioth but he was actually killed by
What is 40
Jesus was tempted in the desert for _______ days.
What is a Cat
This animal makes your Youth Director itch and sneeze.
Who is Paul
He persecuted Christian and was later transformed by God, given a new name..
Who is Delilah
Samson's Strength came from his hair, his down fall was when ______ cut it.
What is 5
How many books make up the torah?
What is Ginger
Your Youth Directors first dog was named after this spice.
Who is John
He wrote 5 books.
Who are Shadrack, Meshack and Abindigo
These 3 men with funny names should have died in a fiery furnace.
What is 603,550
The first census of the nations totaled _____ men 20 years or older.
What is Isaiah 40:28-31
Your Youth Directors favorite versus helped establish our youth groups name.
What is James and Jude
These 2 books were thought to be written by Jesus's brothers.
Who is Jonathon
He loved David as a brother and betrayed his own father by warning David of his fathers plan to kill him..
What is 70
This is the number of years the Jewish people were exiled.
What is the Saxophone
Your Youth Director played this instrument in the band.
What is Timothy
Chapter 4:12 in this book should be an encouragement to all of you.