Form Me! | Am I capable of answering this? | I'm Acting Out! | Autism |
What is 72?
The number of hours a Form 1 allows you to detain a patient for.
What is capacity?
If a patient has this, they have the ability to understand information relevant to a treatment decision as well as the ability to appreciate the reasonably foreseeable consequences of a decision of lack of a decision.
What is the Mental Health Act?
This Act defines categories of psychiatric institution, covers the legal rights of patients and outlines who is to ensure these, and covers procedures for obtaining consent for treatment by patients deemed unable to consent for themselves.
What is communication?
People with autistic disorder have abnormalities in 3 areas: 1) Restricted and repetitive behaviours, interests, and activities, 2) Social interaction and 3) _________
What is 7?
The physician who fills out a Form 1 must have examined the person within the past ____ days prior to filling the Form 1.
What is the Consent and Capacity Board?
This is an independent body that conducts hearings under the Mental Health Act, the Health Care Consent Act, the Personal Health Information Protection Act, the Substitute Decisions Act and the Mandatory Blood Testing Act.
What is a Community Treatment Order?
This provides a person who suffers from a serious mental disorder a comprehensive plan of community-based treatment and supervision that is less restrictive than being detained in a psychiatric facility.
What are the Pervasive Developmental Disorders?
Autism, Childhood disintegrative disorder, Rett’s disorder, Asperger’s, and PDD NOS.
What is a Form 3?
A certificate of involuntary admission to a Schedule 1 facility
What is an informal patient?
This is a person who has been admitted pursuant to an SDM’s consent.
What are reasons to breach confidentiality?
Child abuse, fitness to drive, communicable disease, coroner report, duty to inform or warn.
What are the various diagnoses under Autism Spectrum Disorders?
Autism, Childhood disintegrative disorder, Asperger’s disorder, and PDD NOS.
Who is a Justice of the Peace?
This person can fill out a Form 2.
What is the Public Guardian and Trustee?
This person makes the decision to give or refuse treatment on behalf of an incapable person when there is no SDM available, or when two or more SDMs of equal rank disagree.
What is the HCCA?
This act covers personal assistance services (e.g. home care), admission to a facility, and consent to treatment.
What is Childhood Disintegrative Disorder?
A disorder in which there is a period of at least 2 years (and up to 10 years) of normal development followed by regression in multiple areas of functioning
What is a Form 33?
This is a notice to patient that the patient is incompetent to consent to treatment of a mental disorder and/or management of property
What is a Power of Attorney for Personal Care?
A legal document in which one person gives another the authority to make personal care decisions (health care, nutrition, shelter, clothing, hygiene, safety) on their behalf if they become mentally incapable.
What is an Assertive Community Treatment team?
This team treatment approach is designed to provide comprehensive, community-based psychiatric treatment, rehabilitation, and support to persons with serious and persistent mental illness such as schizophrenia.
What is 1/1000?
This is the prevalence of autistic disorder in the general population.