How much do you know about coral reefs? | Vocabulary | Science!!! |
What is yes!
Do plants live in coral reefs?
What is blue
Point to something blue
What is no!
Are coral reefs rocks?
What is shallow
The water is not deep in the coral reefs. The water in the coral reefs is _______.
ice, snow, winter...
Give me an example of something cold.
What is yes!
Is it easy for plants and animals to find food in coral reefs?
What is no!
Is a coral a plant?
What is ex: fish and plants live in coral reefs
Give me an example of live.
What is False.
True or false: A coral reefs body has a hard body inside and a soft body outside.
What is soft body on the inside, hard body on the outside.
Describe a coral's body.
What is another country, or where you live
Give me an example of something far.
What is skeleton.
Complete the sentence: Coral is not a plant. Coral is many small animals. They all live together. Each animal has a soft body on the inside. Each animal has a hard body on the outside. The hard body is the _______.
What is pollution!
Why are coral reefs dying?
What is their
Complete the sentence: Some fish change ______ color.
What is it makes them hard to see!
Why do frogfish change their color?