Questions Wilson Would Ask | You Should Know This (for the Bible) | Jesus Tells Simon to Cast Down His Net | Joshua and Achan | Fun Facts! |
What is the Bible/ Scripture
What is the "Word of God"
What is 3 Days
How many day's was Jesus in the grave?
What is cleaning their nets
What was Simon doing when He found them?
For bringing down the walls of Jerhico
What is Joshua famous for in the Bible?
What is almost 100!
How many different cows can be found in 1 cheeseburger
What is day and night
How Often Should we Pray
What is 12
How many disciples did Jesus have
Because they had been fishing all night
Why didn't Simon want to cast his net when Jesus told him to?
He stole precious treasures from a city they had destroyed
What was Achan's sin?
What is a crocodile
What animal can not move its tongue
Slowly and in small sections but it doesn't have to be boring!
How should we read scripture
What is True! Someone had a temper! (Exodus 32:19)
True or false did Moses smash the 10 Commandments?
The net began to break
What happended to their net when they began to catch their fish?
Under his tent
Where did Achan hide his treasure?
What is 9 years
What is the average lifespan of a squirrel
What is Studying, because we are just expected to know how to do it without anyone teaching us
What academic trait is praying similar to? Why?
There will be no other gods before God
What is the first Commandment?
The boats began to sink
What happened to the boats when they brought the fish in?
His army was conquered because the Lord was not with them.
What happened to Joshua's army because of Acahn's sin?
What is an elephant
What is the only mammal that can not jump
Like He's our best friend
How should we talk to God?
What is 66
How many books are in the bible?
What did Simon leave to follow Jesus
To get up and be courageous
What did God tell Joshua to do while he was worrying after his armies loss?
What is an Ostrich
What animal has a bigger eye then it's brain?