Introduction | Unpacking WEST | Awesome Aramark | Infamous EMP | My City's Filthy Seattle |
What is WEST?
Delivering excellence at the moment of truth
What is Welcome and say hello?
What is Deliver experiences that enrich and nourish lives?
Mission Statement
What is Experience Music Project?
Original Name
What is Chihuly?
Glass Museum
What is means making things easier for the consumer?
"The Effortless Experience..."
What is Engage with eye contact and a friendly question?
Who is Eric Foss?
President of Company
Who is Paul Allen?
What is Children's Museum?
Located on lower level of Armory
What is excellence begins with you?
Aramark's Service Star...
What is Service with a smile and a helpful suggestion?
Who is Bruce Fears?
President of Region
What is 2000?
What is 206?
Area Code
What is Be the Difference?
WEST is replacing what previous program
What is Thank and show you care?
What is Sell & Serve with Passion, Set Goals. Act. Win, Front Line First, Integrity and Respect Always?
One of Aramark's values
Who is Jimi Hendrix?
Concept based on...
What is The Emerald City & Jet City?
Seattle's Nicknames
What is The Effortless Experience?
Differentiaties WEST from other services
What is Your Voice Counts?
Aramark's Voice of the Consumer Initiative
What is Aramark Service Star?
"Red Person" in Aramark's official logo
What is Fantasy, Spectacle, Nirvana, Hendrix Hits London, Sky Church, Can't Look Away, Sci-Fi, Block by Block?
3 Galleries
What is the 1962 World's Fair?
Space Needle was built for