Multiple Proceedings | Charter rights and Evidence | Requirement for Reasons | SRO Disciplinary Hearings | Name the case! |
Double Jeopardy
When a professional member of an SRO goes through the administrative process and judicial process for the same conduct?
It is not unreasonable to expect doctors to have a very limited expectation of privacy when it comes to allowing their regulator to ensure that they are carrying out their practices in a proper manner. True or False?
Minimalist Era
Name the Era in which reasons became a requirement of the common law duty of fairness?
The courts also began to recognize the importance of open hearings so ____ could provide the public with information about such proceedings?
R. v. Baker
Which case established the requirement for reasons under common law?
Who stated that white-collar criminals are "getting away with it"?
Section 8
This section of the Charter applies to unreasonable search and seizure?
False- justification, transparency, and intelligibility
In judicial review, reasonableness is concerned mostly with the existence of transparency, fairness, and intelligibility within the decision-making process. True or False?
The evidence given at an SRO disciplinary hearing could be introduced against a professional at a criminal trial. True or False?
R. v. Wigglesworth
What case involved an RCMP officer committing common assault?
Quasi-criminal offence
What type of offence leads to a professional being charged under provincial legislation?
In many cases, the legislation or rules of the professional SRO state that failing to respond to the SRO is itself a form of _______?
Preliminary, jurisdictional, procedural, factual, and legal
Name two of the possible issues that may arise during a hearing?
Section 13
What section of the Charter provides protection against self-incrimination?
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario v. Wai-Ping
What case involved the defendant applying to get 15 of the patients' statements of claim struck out?
Section 11
The Supreme Court of Canada stated that this section of the Charter only applies to criminal and quasi-criminal offences and proceedings that lead to true penal consequences?
Balance of Probabilities
Administrative hearings require the SRO to prove allegations on the ____ __ ______?
Dunsmuir criteria
If the reasons allow the reviewing court to understand why the tribunal made its decision and permit it to determine whether the conclusion is within the range of acceptable outcomes, the _____ criteria are met.
During disciplinary hearings it is not a violation of Charter rights to compel professionals to _____?
R. v. Dunsmuir
What case established the reasonableness standard for evaluating the quality for reasons in decisions?
The courts will not allow the police, during their investigation, to collect evidence from an SRO or administrative agency. True or False?
Rules of Natural Justice
The rules of ___ ___ require "fair play in action" and vary depending on the nature of the decision to be made?
Correctness and Reasonableness
What are the two standards/tests when determining the quality of reasons?
Five years
The Health Professions Procedural Code now requires a license revocation of how many years for sexual abuse?
Stromberg v. the Law Society of Saskatchewan
What case alerts the police and the SRO to the pitfalls of sharing information or leaving the impression that they are conducting a joint investigation?