Fruits | math and science | Islamic History | animals | Human Body |
What is watermelon
green from the outside and red from the inside
What is a square
it is a shape that has four equal sides
Who is Hazrat Mohammad (saw)
He was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia 571 AD
What is honey bee
honey comes from it
What is a heart
it pumps blood to all parts of the body
What is apple
it comes in red, yellow and green color
What is a rainbow
it forms on the sky when it rains and then the sun comes out
Who is Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra)
He was the first Khalifa of Islam
What is a butterfly
its life cycle is egg, caterpillar, pupa and adult
What is a tongue
this is used to taste
What is mango
it is called king of the fruits
What is sun
the center of the solar system
Who is Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (as)
He was born in Qadian, India in 1835
What is a cheetah
this is the fastest animal
What is an eye
part of body which gives you power of vision
What are grapes
they grow on vine and are sometimes green, red or purple
What is solar energy
this energy comes from the sun
What is Ramazan
this is the month when muslims fast
What is a blue whale
this the largest mammal
What is stomach
the food is digested here
What is orange
it is round and its juice is a little sour
What is thermometer
this is used to measure temperature of the body
What is Kalima
this is the first Pillar of Islam
What is a female deer
this is also known as doe
What is brain
center of the nervous system