Psychodynamic Approach | Biological Approach | Cognitive Approach |
Anal Stage
In which stage does the child fixates in order to develop OCD?
Which neurotransmitter is found in low levels when a person is diagnosed with OCD?
Several studies have found that people with OCD may have worse performance on neuropsychological measures, like tests of executive functioning (planning and reasoning) and memory, than people who do not have OCD, is this TRUE or FALSE?
Frank Pitman
Who suggested that intrapsychic conflict is involved in OCD?
Caudate nucleus
which part of the brain manages repetitive behaviors?
It is an international group of more than 40 investigators sharing a common interest in understanding the role of cognitive factors in OCD
What is theObsessive Compulsive Cognitions Working Group (OCCWG)?
Undo, Regression, Reaction Formation
Which defense mechanisms are part of OCD?
True or False. There is a specific gene linked to OCD.
the thought or image that repeatedly enters the persons consciousness in an unintended manner, against their own will
What is Intrusive Quality?
Strictness of parents in childhood
What does Adler think is the reason to OCD?
Four Times
If a parent has OCD, how much more likely is the child to have OCD?
Intolerance of Uncertainty, Overestimation of Threat, Overestimation of Responsibility, Significance of Thoughts, Need to Control Thoughts, Intolerance Anxiety, The "Just Right" Error Perfectionism, Emotional Reasoning
What are four of the eight general common thinking errors in OCD?