Sports | Finish The Lyrics | Song Artist |
What is soccer
A sport with a black and white ball
What is "Boy, you should know what you're falling for".
"So you wanna play with magic".
Who is Hannah Montana
____________ lived the best of both worlds
What is Basketball
What sport involves heavy contact and was introduced in the year of 1823
This sport was introduced in 1891 by Dr. James Naismith? |
What is "I heard a funny noise."
"One day when I came home at lunchtime,"
What is Golf
What sport is being reintroduced in the 2016 summer Olympics.
What is..."Your missing home"
"Only hate the road when....."
What is Rugby Football
What sport involves heavy contact and was introduced in the year of 1823
What is "That dream I'm dreaming"
"I can almost see it"
What is the year of 1992
In what year did Badminton get introduced to the Olympics?
What is "......You get what you need"
"But if you try sometime you find....."