Movie trivia | Rhyme time | The government | Spongebob | Double meaning |
What is Leonardo de caprio
Main actor in titanic
What is man ran
A male person who had competed in a race
What is executive, legislative, and judicial
The 3 branches of the U.S. Government
What is Mrs. puff
Who is Spongebob's driving teacher
What is cat
A cool guy and a feline
What is the Oscars
Award show for movies
What is kill will
A death wish for another death
What is the Bill of Rights
First ten amendments
What is a picture of spongebob at the Christmas party
This was in Patrick's secret box
What is book
Literature and term to describe escape
What is the Godfather
Movie where group of criminals rule the street. Has Robert de Niro and Al Puccino
What is pillow willow
A bed furnishing in a tree hole
What is Secretary of State
Takes over as president if president and vp dies |
What is Meow
This is the animal noise Gary makes
What is pear and pair
Two items and fruit
What is 12 years a slave
Movie that won the most recent best picture award
What is scare bear
Being afraid of Winnie the Pooh
What is oligarchy
Government where there is a group of people ruling
What is tuna
You will be turned into this if you get caught on the hooks
What is pot
Drug and cooking item
What is Citizen Kane
Movie with the famous lin "Rosebud"
What is laughter after
Giggling in succession with something that has previously happened
What is anarchy
Term for lack of government
What is Tentacle acres
Squidward moved to this neighborhood to get away from his neighbor
What is handle
Helps you grab things and confirms your responsibility