What is the head, thorax, abdomen
What are the 3 parts of an insect?
What is clue
A maid commits a murder with a rope in the library. What board game are we playing?
What is a rose
What type of flower is wilting in Beauty and the Beast?
What is hexagon
When honey bees create a honeycomb, what shape is the individual honeycomb holes?
What is a car
What are the player pieces shaped like in the board game "Life"?
Who is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Who is the famous actor plays the demi god Maui in Moana?
What is 5
How many eyes do flies have?
What is $75
How much does landing on Luxury Tax in Monopoly cost you?
What is Zazoo
What is the name of the bird advisor to Mufasa in the Lion King?
What is a chrysalis
What is the pod called when a caterpillar is turning into a butterfly?
What is Q and Z
Which two letter tiles are the highest scoring to play in the game of Scrabble?
What is Inside Out
Joy, Digust, Anger, Sadness and Fear are all characters in what Disney Movie?
What is 2,000
How many eggs per day does a queen bee lay per day?
What is one wood and one brick
In the game of Catan, what resources do you need to build a road?
What is a Chameleon
What type of animal is Pascal in the movie Tangled?