Writing and Speaking IBD and POV Vocabulary Stories We’ve Read The Outsiders
What are thin and thick questions?
These two types of questions exist in every book. One type clarifies and the other wonders about the big ideas present in the reading.
What is conflict?
In literature, a struggle between opposing forces.
What is Madras?
Bright colored pattern worn by 60’s socs.
What is wasted potential?
Sonia Sanchez wrote “Norma” about the math wizard whose life went down the drain. This was the story's major motif.
What is Johnny was the only thing he loved?
It’s why Dally went berserk after Johnny died.
What is either "clearly express" or "articulate"?
We are all works in progress. Being able to do this with our ideas on paper and out loud is task #1 in here.
What is third-person?
In this point of view, the narrator is not a participant and is not a character.
What is...
A group that is subject to stereotypes.
What is Lengel?
The “sheepish” store manager who took Sammy’s place just as soon as he quit the A&P.
What is Dally’s jacket?
It symbolized the gang’s protection and may have saved Ponyboy from burning.
What are characters and big events?
When interpreting the meaning of a story, it helps to pay attention to these two things.
What is inside story?
”Everything Stuck to Him” is written in third person POV, story within a story. The daughter in hotel asking her father questions at the beginning and the end is part of the” outside story”. What happens in between is referred to as this.
What is recurring?
It is defined as "happening again, periodically or repeatedly".
What is his family?
In “Everything Stuck to Him” the boy plans to go hunting with this old friend of his father’s, but in the end spills his breakfast. His breakfast WAS stuck to him, but so was this.
What is "Youth is precious"?
"Nature's first green is gold" translates to this in Frost's poem.
What are author’s last name and page number?
In MLA format, these things appear in parentheses at the end of a sentence.
What is first-person?
This point of view limits what can be known about most character’s thoughts and deeds while they’re away from the narrator.
What is socioeconomic?
This adjective describes one of the major differences between greasers and socs, and it’s a big reason they resent each other.
What is University of California at Santa Cruz?
Raymond Carver, author of “Everything Stuck to Him” once taught at this semi-local university.
What is "it’s wrong to use stereotypes to judge people"?
A statement that accurately identifies one of the novel’s themes is this.
What are references to text?
These must be cited the same as quotes from the story even though they don’t use exact words from the source.
What is recognize good ideas when they’re shared?
When we get in a circle to share our individual answers to difficult questions, the important skill changes from being able to answer the question in isolation to this skill.
What is exploit?
Sometimes words take on completely different meanings depending on how they're used. This one, can mean taking advantage of position or rank if used as a verb. For us it was a noun referring to something bold or daring.
What are individuality and conformity?
People's first impression of A&P was that it was sexist, but a closer look showed that it was a master work examining these big ideas.
What is Brumly?
Tim Shepard’s “boys” were named after the nearby suburb from which they came.

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