Pizza | Soup |
When was Pizza invented?
The modern pizza was developed in the 18th or 19th century.
How many bowls of soup are eaten by Americans every year?
More than 10 billion bowls of soup are eaten.
Where was pizza invented?
Naples, Italy.
What is the earliest evidence of the invention of soup?
The earliest evidence is 6000 BC.
How many calories does one pizza usually contain?
285 calories.
What is America’s favorite soup?
Chicken noodle soup.
How many pizzerias are in America?
39,808 independent pizzerias and 35,309 chains.
What two classified groups are in soup?
Clear and thick soup.
How much does the most expensive pizza in the world cost?
12,000 dollars.
What is the most popular soup in the U.K.?
Cream of Chicken.