Money | Shelton | Misc. | Geography | Miggy |
What is 4?
Number of Quarters in one dollar.
Who is Edward N. Shelton?
The person Shelton is named after.
What is Eastern Standard Time?
The time zone we are located in.
What is North America?
The continent the USA is located on.
What is 0?
How many pets Miggy has.
What is penny, nickel, dime, quarter
Names of the 4 common coins.
What is Derby, Monroe, Stratford, Trumbull
2 surrounding towns
What is Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, New York.
A state that is north of CT.
What is Maine, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire.
A state on the East Coast.
What is two?
How many siblings Miggy has.
Who is George Washington?
The person on the dollar bill.
What is Mohegan, Elizabeth Shelton, Long Hill, Sunny Side, Booth Hill.
3 elementary schools
What is Cinco De Mayo, Memorial Day?
A holiday in May.
What is California, Washington, Alaska, Oregon?
A state on the West coast.
What is Carlos and Sophia?
The names of Miigy's siblings.
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
The person on a $10 bill.
What is Well's Hallow, Fairview, Jones, etc.
Two farms in Shelton.
What is 18%?
The average percentage to leave for tip
What is Rhode Island?
The smallest state.
What is Wells Ave?
The name of the street Miggy lives on.
What is 20?
How many $5 bills are in a $100 bill.
What is 42,000?
Population of Shelton.( within 5,000)
What are Ante Meridiem and Post Meridiem?
The words for AM and PM.
What is Delaware?
Considered the first state.
What is the Philippines?
The country Miggy's family is originally from.