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What is Star Wars
It's a Harrison Ford film where the actor's character flies a famous spacecraft. What is _________________?
What is helium
The second most abundant element in the universe.
Who is Lady Gaga
She is the godmother to Elton John's two sons.
Where is Montgomery?
This Alabama city, the first Confederate capital, has a Jefferson Davis High.
What is The Walking Dead
Braiiiiiins. It's the name of a popular zombie show that airs on AMC
What is the collar bone
The most frequently broken bone in the human body
Who is the Bee Gee's
This pop group was formed in the 1950s and with 3 brothers.
What is Yellowstone Lake?
Wyoming's largest lake, it lies right in the middle of a national park.
Who is Marilyn Monroe
The blonde preferred in "Gentlemen prefer Blondes"
What is the Achilles tendon
This tendon pins the calf muscle to the heel bone
Where is Chicago
Which city is Kanye West from?
What is 5?
Number of states that touch the Pacific Ocean
Who is Big Bird?
This PBS bird has a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame
What is the Tropic of Capricon
One will find this geographical line encircling the world at 23.5 degrees south latitude
What is the digeridoo
The instrument used by the indigenous people of Australia.
What is the Dead Sea?
The King James Bible refers to it as the Salt Sea
Who is Colin Farrel?
His early ambition was to be a pro soccer player like his dad.
What is rift valley?
A plume of magma rising from the Earth's mantle can split a continental plate in two and form this type of valley.
Who is Dolly Parton
The only country artist to have a Top 20 hit on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart for 6 straight decades.
What is the Arctic?
The smallest and shallowest of the world's five oceans is this one.