Sports | Horse Facts | What Sofie Wants |
What is horse riding?
Sofia's favorite sport
What is a lead rope?
The name whenever you walk a horse
What is a new phone?
Sofia wants this thing
What is basketball?
Sofia's least favorite sport
What is navy blue?
Sofia's show color
What is yes?
Does she want another animal?
What is football?
Sofia's favorite sport to watch
What is Golden Boy?
Sofia's show name
What is yes?
Does Sofia want more fidgets?
What is baseball?
The sport Sofia hates
Who is Bougie?
Flynn's best friend
What is go on a trail ride?
Sofia wants to do this thing with dad
What is ice skating, gymnastics, or horse riding?
Sofia's favorite thing to watch at the Olympics
What is a kick out buck?
In what way did Flynn buck Sofia
What are cupcakes?
Sofia wants to have this to eat for her birthday