Iowa History | The Bible | Animals | Sports | Food |
How many counties are in Iowa?
What piece of clothing made Joseph’s brothers jealous?
A coat
Which bird is a universal symbol of peace?
In meters, how long is an Olympic-sized swimming pool?
50 yards long
What are the names of the Rice Krispies mascots?
Snap, Crackle, & Pop
What two explorers met with the Missouri and Oto Indians at Council Bluffs in 1804?
Lewis and Clark
What is the last book of the Old Testament?
Name the largest mammal of the world.
A blue whale
How many players are on a baseball team?
What is the USA’s most popular flavor of ice cream?
What is Iowa's state flower?
Wild Rose
What's The Name Of Eve's Third Son?
A group of deer is known as?
A herd
What was the first city to host the Olympics twice?
What was the first flavor of cake?
In what year did the population of Iowa reach 2.9 million?
In Revelation, Jesus says: “Do not be afraid. I am the ____ and the ____.” Fill in the blanks.
the first and the last
Are most reptiles cold-blooded or warm-blooded?
A sporting event is held every year on Memorial Day. What is it?
Indianapolis 500
Which famous soft drink was invented in 1892?
Coca Cola
Iowa had 12,623 one-room schoolhouses in what year?
How many of each animal did Moses bring into the Ark?
None! That was Noah!
A snail can sleep for how many years?
3 years
Who was the youngest player to score 10,000 points in the NBA?
LeBron James
When Was The Fast-Food Chain, Mcdonalds, Founded? (In years)