Starts With T | Spices | 2 "l' | Kitchen | Starts with "Re" |
What is taxi?
I have no car! What do I do to get to my destination?
What is salt and pepper?
Many recipes ask for a taste of these two spices.
What is ball?
Basket, foot, volley, base. All of the words have what added after them.
What is pots and pans?
It is so loud because I am banging..
What is taco?
They have soft, crunchy and even stale. Lets eat this on Tuesday!
What is rosemary?
A woody perennial flowering plant and a girls name.
What is shortfall?
A little person and a season.
What is knife or knives?
Chef's, Paring, Utility are all types of this utensil.
What is tablespoons?
This 11 letter word calls in how much you use in some recipes.
What is Oregano?
An aromatic plant related to marjoram, with leaves that are used fresh or dried as a culinary herb.
What is treadmill?
Planet Fitness and Peloton are places to buy this exercising tool.
What is Instant-Read Thermometer?
It needs to be at least 165 for chicken and at least 145 for steak.
What is tear or tare?
This 4 letter word can be spelled 2 different ways. One word means to pull or rip. The other means a deduction from the gross weight of a substance.
What is cinnamon?
This spice is made out of bark of evergreen trees.
What is knuckleball?
Tim Wakefield is famous for throwing this pitch.
What is dishes?
Watch the table and clean the...
What is table?
A synonym for desk.
What is thyme?
A woody stem with paired leaf or flower cluster.
What is bill?
A synonym for a restaurant check.
What is microwave?
Heat this up for 45 seconds.