Sport Miscellanea | Food "E"s | Beastly Expressions | Around the World | Nursery Rhyme Animals |
What is the 7th inning
The classic song "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" is traditionally sung during this inning
What is an empanada
Order this if you want a pie or turnover in Cuba, Panama, or Venezuela
What is chicken
As soon as I saw how high up we were, I had to _______ out of skydiving
What is Wyoming
Cynthia Lummis, John Barrasso, and Liz Cheney
are all current representatives from this least populous U.S. state |
What is a spider
Rain in the waterspout didn't stop this from climbing up it
What is a football
This ball weighs one pound and has a "prolate spheroid" shape
What is an eggplant
A purple produce that is technically a berry, but used as a vegetable in cooking. Definitely not from poultry
What is cow
My mom had a ____ when she realized nobody had cleaned their room after she'd told us fifteen times
What is Copenhagen
This European capital had nothing to do with the tobacco brand
What are horses
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; the king's men and these couldn't help him
What is polo
Also known as the "sport of kings", this activity involves scoring between goalposts 3 meters high and 3 meters apart. Don't forget a shirt
What is escargot
This dish is usually made with gastropods from the genus Helix
What is the rat race
Monday through Friday, most adults are stuck in this
What is the Tigris
Like the ancient Mesopotamians, inhabitants of Baghdad use this river for irrigation and drinking water
What is a whale
Simple Simon went a-fishing in a pail for to catch one of these
What is the Cleveland Browns
The only NFL team that has never hosted or played in a Super Bowl
What is an espresso
Originating in Venice, Italy, this strong drink is made in less than 30 seconds using high-pressure hot water
What is a sow's ear
No matter how hard you try, you just can't make a handbag from this
What is four
This is the number of small stars on China's flag, countries in the United Kingdom, and South American countries that don't have Spanish as the national language
What is billy goat or mockingbird
1 of 2 animals mentioned in "Hush, Little Baby"
What is a turkey
When a bowler makes three strikes in row; like a golfer's "birdie", but bigger
What is an eclair
It is made with a choux dough and was originally called a "petite duchesse"; NOT a Long John
What is a kangaroo court
It's any crudely operated tribunal that makes a fair trial impossible
What is Sargasso
This sea has no coasts; its boundaries are formed by four oceanic currents
What are blackbirds
Four and twenty were in a pastry