songs | sports | animals | games | polotics |
what is country
What genre of music did Taylor Swift start in?
What is gymnastics
what sport involves a beam
What is cheeta
What’s the fastest land animal in the world?
What is 108
How many cards are there in a deck of Uno?
who is Adams and Bush
What are the surnames of the father-son duos who both served as US presidents?
who is Beyonce
Which musical legend is Jay-Z married to?
What is cross country
what sport has long-distance running
What is 3
How many hearts does an octopus have?
What is clue
n which board game do you try to solve a murder?
Who is Kim Jong Un
Donald Trump and which North Korean leader are known to trade threats over the internet?
what is 10
How many Grammys does John Legend have?
What is basketball
what involves a point guard
What are penguins
The video game “Happy Feet” features what animals?
who is Queen Elizabeth II
Who has been the longest-serving monarch of the United Kingdom?
who are spice girls
Which British girl group had a member by the name of Mel B?
What is a slam dunk
his basketball move was banned from the years 1967 to 1976. What was it?
What is giraffe
Which mammal has no vocal cords?
What is soccer
What sport is featured in the video game “FIFA”?
What is 7 years
Before the laws were changed in 2000, how long was a French president’s term?
What is despacito
Which song by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee has the most views (of all time) on YouTube?
who is Craig McTavish
Who was the last NHL player to leave the league without having used a helmet?
What is army
What name is used to refer to a group of frogs?
What is monopoly
Which of these games includes the phrase “Do not pass go, do not collect $200”?
who is nixon
Which American president was involved in the Watergate scandal?