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What is finding memo
In what movie does a fish try to touch “the butt”?
Who is Kurt Cobain.
Whats the name of the lead singer in Nirvana?
Who is Shellyn
Who broke the big sliding classroom door?
What is a Joey
What is a baby kangaroo called?
Who is Leonardo Da Vinvi
Who painted the ‘Mona Lisa’?
What is Zac Efron in High school Musical
What actor in which movie needs to get his head in the game?
Who is Colson Baker
What is Machine Gun Kelly’s real name?
What is 6 feet, he is actually 5’11
How tall does Raymond think he is? How tall is he actually?
What is 4
How many pairs of wings to bees have?
Where is Yellowknife
What is the capital of Northwest Territories?
Who is Anakin Skywalker
What is death Vader’s real name?
Who is The Weekend
Who is the most listened to artist in 2021?
What is he was not
Was Ethan ever a Cadet?
What is none
How many bones do sharks have?
Who is Thomas Edison
Who invented the Light bulb?
What is chocolate fudge.
What flavour pop tarts does buddy use in his spaghetti in elf?
What is what makes you beautiful
What is One Directions most listened to song?
What is ice hockey
What sport did Mr Weiss grow up playing?
What is hair
What substance is a rhino horn made out of?
Where is Holland
What country is famous for tulips?
Who is Carol Danvers
What is Captain Marvel’s real name in the movie?
What is Fearless
What was Taylor Swift’s third released album?
Where is Grand Prairie Alberta
What province and city was Mr Marsh born in?
What is the capybara
What animal is considered the worlds largest rodent?
What is 28
How many countries are a part of the European Union?