Caribbean Geography | Also a Batman Villain | 3-Named Celebrities | Old Occupations | Malfunction |
What is Puerto Rico?
The new Progressive Party on this island wants it to become a U.S. state
What is a joker?
In poker it's commonly used as a wild card
Who is Jamie Lee Curtis?
In 2020 the MTV Movie & TV Awards honored this "Halloween" actress as the greatest scream queen of all time
What is the town crier?
Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! The herald with this 2-word job announced important news & proclamations
What is Apollo 13?
An oxygen tank explosion on this mission in 1970 led to some tense days before the crew managed to get back to earth
What is Antilles?
The 3 major island groups of the Caribbean are the Bahamas & the "Greater" & "Lesser" these
What is a penguin?
The Adelie is a medium-sized one
Who is Jada Pinkett Smith?
With her mom Adrienne & daughter Willow, she hosts a web series called "Red Table Talk"
What is a barber?
Oddly, the same person who performed minor surgeries once also had this job, joined with surgeon in the name of a guild
Who is Janet Jackson?
The Patriots beat the Panthers, but her "wardrobe malfunction" at Super Bowl XXXVIII is what most people remember
What is a daiquiri?
A rum-producing district in eastern Cuba lends its name to this cocktail of rum, lime juice & sugar
What is a scarecrow?
In the movies he sings "If I Only Had A Brain"
Who is John Cougar Mellencamp?
When he first rocked out to "Pink Houses" & "R.O.C.K. In The U.S.A.", he was using these 3 names
What is a miller and a milliner?
In these 2 similarly named jobs, one ground grain into flour & the other, often a woman, made & sold clothes & hats
What is Mars?
After one group of scientists used kilograms & another used pounds, a probe sent to this planet in 1998 was lost in orbit
What is the British Virgin Islands?
Norman Island in this British archipelago is said to have inspired "Treasure Island"
What is an egghead?
What Humpty Dumpty is--literally, that is, not because of his smarts
Who is Haley Joel Osment?
Just a kid when he saw dead people in "The Sixth Sense", today, he's all grown up & still acting
What is a lavender?
It wasn't just a purple color & flower, it was also a washerwoman
What is Three Mile Island?
In 1979 an automatic valve at this Pennsylvania facility failed to close, leading to damage to the core
What is the Cayman Trench?
The Caribbean Sea's greatest depth, about 25,000 feet, is in this trench bearing the name of a crocodilian
What is poison ivy?
Its scientific name is Toxicodendron radicans
Who is Sarah Michelle Gellar?
Married to Freddie Jr., she uses Prinze as her legal last name
What is a scrivener?
Like Bartleby in Melville's title, it was a clerk or copyist
Who is William Mulholland?
This engineer's L.A. Aqueduct worked fine, but his St. Francis Dam north of the city collapsed in 1928, flooding Ventura County