Vice Presidents Battery Life Western US Cities Going Stir Crazy Title Waves
What is Alaska?
Known as the "Indiana Icicle", Charles Fairbanks has one of the largest cities in this state named for him
What is mercury?
In 2004 Sony produced the first silver oxide battery that was free of this element, & it's going down in thermometer use, too
What is San Diego?
Despite what Ron Burgundy says, this city is named for a Spanish monk
What is chopsticks?
Use these paired Asian utensils to stir; they break up foods that stick together & wooden ones don't scratch non-stick pans
What is the Yankees?
Their tsunami of World Series titles includes 1936 to 1939 & 1998 to 2000
Who is Spiro Agnew?
In 1973 this vice president resigned over things he did while he was governor of Maryland
What is AA?
Also known as penlight, this 2-letter type of battery has the magical ability to fail in my TV remote after about 3 weeks
What is Astoria?
Named for the founder of the American Fur Company, this Oregon city has deepwater port facilities
What is Sour Cream?
To make classic French onion dip, stir a packet of soup mix into this dairy product, maybe from Daisy or Knudsen
What is the Green Bay Packers?
In the 1960s these Midwesterners earned 5 NFL Championship trophies
What is agriculture?
Henry Wallace served for seven years as secretary of this before becoming vice president in 1941
What is nickel & cadmium?
Ni-Cad is short for these 2 elements in a rechargeable battery invented back in 1899
What is Lake Tahoe?
Take the 580 from Reno to the 431 & you'll see the majesty that is this body of water
What is a martini?
Some prefer stirring this classic cocktail; shaking it, the preferred method of Nick Charles, is said to bruise the gin
What is the Boston Celtics?
They swept over the NBA, winning the title every year from 1959 to 1966
Who is James Monroe?
Daniel Tompkins, his vice president during the Era of Good Feelings, was very often absent from his duties
What is a 9-volt battery?
In 1956 Eveready made the first of this type of battery used in smoke detectors
What is Tacoma?
Known for its Narrows Bridge, this city is on Puget Sound's Commencement Bay
What is risotto?
A shorter-grain rice like Arborio is the marquee ingredient of this Italian dish that requires constant stirring
What is the Edmonton Oilers
They came from the Canadian prairie to win 5 Stanley Cups from 1984 to 1990
Who is (James) Buchanan?
Briefly veep to 14th president Franklin Pierce, William Rufus DeVane King was roommates with this future 15th president
What is lithium-ion?
A Nobel Prize went to 3 scientists for the invention of this hyphenated battery that "enabled the mobile revolution"
What is Scottsdale?
Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin West is in this city, a resort suburb of Phoenix
What is a whisk
A stirring motion is the worst way to use this implement that comes in balloon & flat types; a side-to-side motion gets better results
What is the Oakland A's
Reggie, Catfish & this Bay Area team ran off 3 straight World Series titles from 1972 to 1974


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