Geography (地理) | Natural World (自然世界) | English | Chinese | Knowledge or Random |
The Pacific Ocean
What is the largest ocean?
(什么是最大的海洋?) |
(潮汐, 潮流, 浪潮, 潮水, 落潮, or 潮信)
Which movements of the sea are called spring and neap?
(其中海的动作被称为弹簧和小潮?) |
Which is the most commonly used letter in the English alphabet?
(这是最常用的字母在英语字母表?) |
yi, er, san, si, wu, liu, qi, ba, jiu, shi
Say the numbers 1-10 in Chinese.
(马苏里拉 or 无盐干酪)
What type of cheese is used as a pizza topping?
(什么类型的奶酪用作比萨馅料?) |
(大地图 or 舆图)
What word do we use for a book of maps?
(我们用一本书的地图是什么字?) |
A peahen
The peacock is a male peafowl. What is the female called?
(孔雀开屏是雄孔雀。什么是所谓的女性?) |
Little Red Riding Hood
Which girl's grandmother was eaten by a wolf?
What are some words in Chinese that mean talk?
Mount Olympus
In Greek mythology, where did the gods live?
(在希腊神话, 没有神仙居住的地方? |
What is the capital of the United Kingdom?
(什么是资本的联合王国?) |
A type of horse
What is a Lipizzaner?
(什么是利皮札种?) |
(懦弱, 胆小, 懦, 胆怯, 怯, 畏怯, or 鼠胆)
What is the opposite of the word brave?
(什么是相反的这个词的勇者?) |
Writing Chinese
What does 写 汉 语 mean?
Siamese Twins
What is the name for twins joined together at some part of their bodies?
(什么是名双胞胎连在一起在他们的身体的某些部分?) |
East and West
Do lines of latitude run North and South or East and West?
(做北纬运行北部和南部或东部和西部的线路?) |
What is the study of plants called?
(什么是植物的研究称为?) |
The Tin Man
In the Wizard of Oz, which character was looking for a heart?
(在 the Wizard of Oz, 哪个字符一直在寻找一个心脏?) |
e with a fourth stroke, it means hungry
How do you say 饿? What does it mean?
The king or queen of Great Britain
Who is the head of the Church of England?
(谁是英格兰教会的头?) |
Where is Bombay?
(哪里是孟买?) |
Which soft-bodied group of animals includes snails, slugs, oysters, and octopuses?
(其中软躯体动物群包括蜗牛,牡蛎,和章鱼?) |
What is the word flu short for?
(什么是流感一词的缩写?) |
黄 河 and 长 江
What are the two main rivers on China?
What does a pediatric doctor specialize in?
(什么做了儿科医生专注于?) |