League of Legends | Discord Moments | Fortnite | Arcane | Chemistry |
What is Master Yi
Who was Drew's first main? (Don't overthink it)
What is Ninja
What streamer did Cooper donate the N word to?
What is What is Grandma's house or Flush Factory
What was the signature landing location before Tilted Towers?
What is Benzo
Who was the shopkeeper of the store Ekko worked at?
What is Sand
What raw material is used for making glass?
Who is Nunu
Who was Logan playing when he had his first league meltdown?
What is Nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedy's
What was the video sent to bananaguygamer that ruined his day?
What is Cuddle Team Specialist
What was the first and only skin Eric bought?
What is "Take care of powder"
What were Vander's last words to Vi?
What is Mercury
What is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature?
Who is Garen or Mundo
Who was Cooper's main when he played?
What is Taking off his headset
What is Grant notorious for doing when he gets angry?
What is Slurp Juice
What was the first added usable item after we started playing?
What is "BOOM"
What was written on the bottom of the swing in Episode 4?
What is Rust
What does Fe2O3 Represent?
What is bigboyconnor
What was the name of Connor's first account?
What was the second password Drew accidentally leaked to the discord?
What is Drew's Dad Strat
What is the act of building a stairway to the top of the map and building a base called?
What is Cupcakes
What was out on the balcony at the beginning of the first episode?
What is Carbon and Iron
Steel is an alloy of what two substances?
What is 32
How many deaths did Connor have when he was banned for inting on Rammus?
What is Drew and June 2018
2 Part Question: Who was patient zero of the Big Gay, and what was the Month and Year the big gay outbreak started?
What is God Mountain
What was the unnofficial landmark between dusty depot and salty springs?
What is Huck
What is the name of the Man who helped in Caitlyn and Vi in the under regions of Zaun?
What is Depends on the temperature
What is the pH value of distilled water?