Chumash | World Series | Parsha | Rabbi Ackerman | Israel |
What is there was no water
The Reason the Jews complained in the desert
What is the last time the cubs won the World Series (before Wednesday)
What is Noach
This weeks parsha
What is Yael Chaya
The name of Rabbi Ackermanms baby
What is Jerusalem
The Capital of Israel
אין בה מום
לא עלה עליה על אדומה תמימה
What are the 3 criteria for parah adumah
What is the amount of World Seriesthe Yankees have won
What are the number of years that Noach built the Teivah for
the number of years that Noach built the Teivah for
What is Passaic
where Rabbi Ackerman lives
What is Eilat
The most southern city in israel
What is the reason according to Rashi that Moshe hit the rock
Because He spoke to the wrong rock and only a little drop came out
Who is the only pitcher to ever pitch a perfect game in the world series
Don Larsen
What is 7
The number of each kosher animal noach brought in to the teivah
What is 2003
the year Rabbi Ackerman graduated Rpry
What are the four holy cities of Israel
חברון טבריה צפת |
What are the 3 places they placed the ashes of the פרה אדומה
הר המשחה עזרה |
Who is the only person to ever hit a lead off home run in a Game 7
Dexter Fowler
Who are the sons of Noach
חם יפת |
What is Power forward
the position Rabbi Ackerman played on the Rpry basketball team
What is the Knesset
the governing parliament body of Israel called
Becase he called them מורים
What is the reason according to the Ramban that Moshe was punished
What are the teams that played in the first World Series
Boston Red Sox vs. Pittsburg Pirates
What is the number of languages Hashem formed after the Tower of Bavel
What is Valentine st
the name of the Street Rabbi Ackerman grew up on in highland park
Saudia Arabia Jordan Israel
The 4 countries you can see when in the water off the shore of Eilat