Haunted Kentucky | Pumpkins, Squash and Gourds | Dogs vs Cats | Crypto-zoology | Comic Crazy |
What is Shaker Village?
Ghostly babies have been heard crying at this historic village in Pleasant Hill, once home to a religious sect whose name is derived from their ecstatic behavior during worship services.
What is Antarctica?
Pumpkins are grown on every continent, except this frigid one.
What is red?
Both cats and dogs have limited color vision and lack the ability to see this color.
What is the Loch Ness Monster?
One popular theory about this aquatic giant purported to live in Lake Ness is that it is actually a plesiosaur that has survived unchanged from the Triassic period.
What is kryptonite?
Most super heroes have some sort of unique vulnerability, for Superman it is this radioactive ore that comes from his home planet.
What is White Hall?
Cassius Marcellus Clay's historic home is said to be haunted by Clay himself and his family. The home, now an official state historic site located in Richmond, KY, is also know by this name.
What is Africa?
Gourds, thought to be the world's first domesticated plant species, probably have origins on two continents, Asia and this land, which was also home to the first human beings.
What is a sloth?
The average dog gets plenty of rest - about 12 to 14 hours per day - but our feline companions who sleep an average of 18 hours per day are far lazier than most animals with few exceptions, one being this very slow-moving tree-dweller from South America.
What is a footprint?
Bigfoot’s name is largely due to this kind of evidence that is commonly found, easy to fake, and said to confirm Bigfoot’s existence.
What is Garfield?
This comic strip about an obese, sardonic cat achieved the Guinness World Record for the world’s most widely syndicated comic strip.
What is a restaurant?
The old Bethlehem Academy, once a convent, is rumored to be haunted by the ghosts of nuns and other folks who may have been murdered on the premises. The spirits manifest by turning lights on and off and moving chairs and other objects after closing time in this Elizabethtown establishment which is currently open to the public as this.
What are cucumbers?
Pumpkins, squash and gourds are members of the Cucurbit family which also includes melons and these vegetables which we often eat pickled.
What is two?
The average gestational period for puppies and kittens is about this many months.
What is the giant squid?
This enormous, tentacled ocean dweller which can grow up to 43 feet in length may have been the inspiration for the myth of the Kraken. Japanese researchers filmed one in its natural habitat in 2005.
Who is Thor?
After the creation of the Hulk, Stan Lee needed to create a character stronger than the strongest person, so he turned to Norse mythology for this new character
What is Ghost Hunters?
The Waverly Hills Sanatorium is famous nationwide for its hauntings. In fact, three television shows have featured Waverly Hills, including Fact or Faked, Ghost Adventures and this popular SyFy channel hit.
What is Illinois?
The town of Morton in this Midwestern U.S. state is the self-proclaimed "Pumpkin Capital of the World." They report growing and canning 82% of the supply of canned pumpkin and have the annual Morton Pumpkin Festival which draws over 35,000 visitors.
What is a dewclaw?
This vestigial digit appears high on the legs of many mammals, including cats and dogs. It does not make contact with the ground.
What is a dragon?
The name for this beast which appears in the mythologies of numerous cultures comes from the ancient Greek word "draconta," meaning "to watch," suggesting that the beast guards valuables.
Who is Charles Schultz?
This cartoonist created created 17,897 Peanuts comic strips, which have been translated into 21 languages, read by hundreds of millions of people in 75 countries and have been published in 2,600 different newspapers.
What is The Gates of Hell?
Grandview Cemetery contains the graves of people from the 1700s and 1800s as well as the ruins of an iron and stone gate. Some say one time an enormous green orb appeared here, hovered a short time, then shot straight up out of sight. Others say they’ve heard screams, seen shadowy figures, and had car trouble while on the grounds. Due to its gates and the frightening events inside them, this cemetery is also known by this, possibly more apt, name.
What are squash bees?
16. The hairs on the legs of these specialized pollinators are sparse and unbranched, which allow them to accommodate the large pollen granules of squash plants.
What is Great Dane?
Giant George was the world's largest dog, standing 43 inches at his shoulders, weighing in at 245 lbs and measuring 7 foot in length. He was this breed of dog.
What is a Tasmanian Devil?
The thylacine, also known by this name, was a large meat-eating marsupial that lived in Australia. It had a long, stiff tail, dark stripes on its back and rump, and a pouch similar to other marsupials like the koala and kangaroo.
Who is Berkley Breathed?
This cartoonist used Bloom County as a platform to convey his thoughts on Americana, and set the series within a boarding house that featured a wide range of characters, from intellectual 10 year olds to talking cats and penguins.