Haunted Kentucky | Pumpkins, Squash & Gourds | Cats vs Dogs | Crypto-zoology | Comic Crazy |
What is Mammoth Cave?
Called the “most haunted natural wonder in the world”, this cavernous place is also Kentucky’s only national park.
What is the pumpkin spice latte?
Introduced in 2003, this coffee drink is by far Starbucks’ most popular seasonal beverage and has its own Twitter account.
What is the dog? Dogs have 42 teeth, while cats have 30.
Of the two hunters, this one has more teeth.
What are mermaids?
Although few credible sightings have been reported, these water-dwelling humanoids appear in the folklore of many cultures across the world and are sometimes associated with floods, storms, shipwrecks, and drownings.
Who is Superman?
Although comics as a print medium have existed in America since the mid-19th century, the introduction of this Man of Steel in 1938 transformed comic books into a major industry.
What is Waverly Hills?
Considered one of the most haunted hospitals in the eastern United States, this former tuberculosis hospital in Louisville is one of Kentucky’s most popular haunted sites.
Who is Jack Skellington?
The Pumpkin King is this character’s nickname in the film The Nightmare before Christmas.
What is the liver?
Stress, starvation, obesity and poison are a few things can cause hepatic lipidosis, which is the build-up of excessive fats in this organ.
What is an alligator?
Urban legend has built up around tales of this kind of reptile that is native to the southeast United States, but found to be living in sewers under New York City.
Who is Wonder Woman?
This superhero is a founding member of the Justice League and a demigoddess who just so happens to be 5,000 years old.
What is Perryville?
Ghosts are said to haunt this battlefield, which was the location of Kentucky’s bloodiest battle during the Civil War.
What is beta carotene?
Pumpkins’ orange color comes partially from this pigment, which is also found abundantly in carrots.
What are pheromones?
The vomeronasal organ or Jacobson's organ is found in both cats and dogs. It's primary purpose is to pick up these chemical messengers.
What is the basilisk?
Fans of Harry Potter would recognize this legendary reptile that has been found in bestiaries and natural histories written by authors such as Pliny the Elder, Geoffrey Chaucer, and Leonardo da Vinci.
What is Manga?
Comics created in Japan or by creators in the Japanese language are known by this name and evolved from 18th and 19th century comic books and woodblock prints.
Who is F. Scott Fitzgerald?
The Seelbach Hotel is said to be haunted by many different spirits and it was once popular with this American author, who used it as inspiration for a hotel in his book The Great Gatsby.
What is patty pan squash?
This variety of summer squash is notable for its shape, which is flat and round, resembling a flying saucer.
What is Carnivora?
In the Systema Naturae by Carl Linnaeus, cats and dogs both belong to the Kingdom Animalia, the Class Mammalia, and the Order _______________.
What is The Hound of the Baskervilles?
The hellhound is a supernatural dog, often thought to be an omen of certain death. Some of the most notable appearances of hellhounds in popular culture and folklore are that of Cerberus of Greek Mythology and this Sherlock Holmes story.
What is Marvel
Stan Lee has played a large role in the development of comics since the 1940s, when he was hired to do odd jobs at Timely Comics, the comic book publisher that would eventually evolve into the company that is now known as this.
What is Meade County?
One of Kentucky’s most famous hauntings comes from that of Leah Smock, an accused witch who died mysteriously at the age of 22. Leah lived in Battletown, which is located in this Kentucky county.
What is the turnip?
Instead of pumpkins, this white root vegetable is traditionally used for carving in Ireland and Scotland.
What is obligate?
While dogs are considered scavenging carnivores, meaning they can eat a variety of things besides meat, cats are this type of carnivore, meaning they require meat for survival.
What is British Columbia?
The name “Sasquatch” is an anglicized version of a word used by the native peoples of this westernmost Canadian province.
What is the Pulitzer Prize?
Maus, a graphic novel by Art Spiegelman, depicts Spiegelman interviewing his father about his experiences as a Polish Jew and Holocaust survivor. It is only graphic novel to win this award for achievements in literature and other media.