Infection Control | Patient Consent & Documentation |
4 minutes
What is the wet time for orange wipes?
How many days is a signed surgical consent good for?
2 minutes
What is the wet time for purple wipes?
Doctor, patient, witness
Who is required to sign a consent form?
Standard cleaning practice
What is the process for cleaning a COVID positive patient's room after they are discharged?
Under Documents tab (must be signed by MD)
Where do you locate an H&P for clearance for surgery?
When performing aerosol-generating procedures, caring for patients on airborne precautions
When is staff required to wear an n95 mask?
24 hours
How long does Medical Records have to upload the surgical consent into CIS?
Utilize wipeable cleanable materials (lamination or plastic covering)
What if a patient requires a sign to be posted on their room?
Under Documents tab
Where do you locate an H&P for clearance for surgery?