Human Characters Ruled by Fate Mortal Kings Those Who Meddle with Fate The A Team of Gods and Goddesses The Quest
Who is Phineus?
I am a seer, prophesying the future. Zeus thought I gave mortals too much information, so he sent the harpies as punishment; I became decrepit and blind.
Who is Peleus?
I am the king of Phthia and an Argonaut.
Who is Zeus?
As the king of Olympus, I reign with supreme power over all gods and mortals. I am also the patron god of suppliants, fugitives, and strangers.
Who is Artemis?
My twin brother is Apollo; I am the goddess of wild animals and the hunt, as well as childbirth.
What is the golden fleece?
Jason will avenge his father Aeson by getting this from King Aeetes.
Who is Chalciope?
My sister, Medea, and I are granddaughters of the sun god Helios. My son is Argus, who warned Jason that King Aeetes would not give him the Golden Fleece.
Who is Aeetes?
Each day I yoke the fire-breathing oxen to plant the dragon's teeth as seed, which sprout warriors. Jason asked me for the Golden Fleece, but I refused.
Who is Eos?
The dawn burns as bright when I appear.
Who is Apollo?
I reign as the god of prophecy, and disease and medicine. I am a twin.
What does Jason promise Medea?
I promise to love you "as long as the wind of life blows through me..."
Who is Apsyrtus?
Jason wanted to kill me before leaving Colchis. I am the young brother of Medea and Chalciope.
Who is Pelias?
The son of Poisedon, I am the illegitimate king of Iolcus. Jason came to claim his kingdom from me.
Who is Hera?
Jason and Medea received much help from me throughout his quest for the Golden Fleece. As the queen of Olympus, I am the sister and wife of Zeus.
Who is Aphrodite?
Phineas the seer told Jason I was his only hope for success on this quest. I am the goddess of sexual desire.
What is the cauldron?
After giving Jason magic potion, Medea chops him up to restore and renew him in this.
Who is Jason?
I am the husband of Medea and son of Aeson, from whom the kingdom of Ioclus was stripped. I am the leader of the Argonauts.
Who is Acastus?
My father is Pelias, but I followed his enemy Jason as an Argonaut.
Who is Thenatos?
Most people fear my grasp, but others welcome my embrace. I am the god of death.
Who is Athena?
Jason will find help from me, the patron goddess of heroes. I am the architect of the Argo ship.
What are arrows?
Used by Eros, these symbolize love at first sight.
Who is Medea?
Even though I am a priestess of Hecate, the goddess of Hades' kingdom, I fell in love when Eros (Cupid) hit me with an arrow. Some people call me a sorceress.
Who is Aeson?
I am the half brother of Pelias, who robbed me of royal scepter, throne, and kingdom. Jason is my son.
Who is Helios?
I drive a chariot across the heavens into the western waves of Oceanus.
Who is Ares?
Just as my mother seeks vengeance against King Pelias, I seek vengeance as the bloodthirsty god of war.
What does it mean to use "honeyed words"?
These words are used when the speaker is trying to be persuasive.

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