People of pepole Japan | transportation | trash/health | geography/houses |
Are all Japanese people buried in a cemetery?
True or false, some people are banned from having cars?
2 pounds
In japan how much pounds of trash does the average person throw away daily?
(4 , 6900)
Fill in the blank :____ large islands and about _____ small islands make up japan
84 years
What is the life expectancy in Japan?
1 1/2 hours
What is the commute time during rush hour?
80.7 years
What is the average life expectancy for men in Japan?
Only an ____ of Japan is arable land
92 people
What is the amount of people per square mile?
Bullet train
What's japan's fastest train?
87.2 years
What is the average life expectancy for womenin Japan?
170 feet
How much room does a person have per house?
Parents and Kids
What nuclear family?
Stacked on a car elevator
How are cars stored in japan?
To build islands in the Tokyo bay
What is the trash used for in Japan?
How do Japanese people far?
Grandparents and Parents and Kids
What is an extended family?
425 or more
How many hours per year do people commute in japan?
20 pages
How many pages are in the waste disposal guides?
True or false Japan is a volcano?