Artsakh | Armenian Genocide | Pasadena Armenians | Geography | Armenia |
We and Our Monuments aka Mamig and Papik
What is the symbol for Artsakh?
Ottoman Turks
Who perpetrated the Armenian genocide?
Armenian Students Association
What does ASA stand for?
What is the capital of Armenia?
May 28, 1918
When is Armenia's first Independence?
What is the capital of Artsakh?
Genocide is the intentional action to destroy a people—usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group—in whole or in part
What does genocide mean?
What year was PCC JAN founded?
Lake Sevan and Mount Arakats
Name the biggest lake and mountain in Armenia.
September 21, 1991
When is Armenia's second independence?
September 27, 2020
When did was the most recent war on Artsakh?
France, Canada, Sweden, Russia, Italy, Vatican, Lebanon, Belgium, Uruguay, Greece, Argentina, Germany, Venezuela, Switzerland, Slovakia
Name 5 countries that recognizes the Armenian Genocide.
Armen Sarafian Building
What is the formal name of the U building?
11 regions.
Shirak, Aragatsotn, Lori, Tavush, Kotayk, Yerevan, Armavir, Ararat, Vayots, Gegharkunik
Armenia has 11 regions. Name three.
38 or 39
How many letters is the Armenian Alphabet
someone who visits Artsakh without Azeri permission and takes any photos or videos and shares it
What is a Azerbaijan Blacklist?
A memorial monument for the remembrance of the Armenian Genocide
What is Tsitsernakaberd (Ծիծեռնակաբերդ) ?
Men's basketball
What sport did Tark the Shark coach at PCC?
Turkey, Iran, Georgia, Azerbaijan
Who are Armenia's neighbors?
What is the pink city?
December 10, 1991
When did Artsakh declare its independence?
Loss of Land
Cultural Loss Material Losses Psychological Trauma Eradication of a National System Human Losses of the Armenians in the 20th Century
Name 2 of the major impacts of the Armenian Genocide.
Pashgian Brothers, rugs and draperies
What did the first Armenian-owned business in Pasadena specialize in?
What is the second capital of Armenia?
5 years
How long is each presidential term in Armenia?