Jancy | Sony | The Couple | The Proposal | The Wedding |
What is green
Jancy’s favorite color
What is 2
Number of brothers Sony has
What is Dil Mil
The app on which the couple met
What is January 2021
The month and year of the proposal
What is April 23rd, 2022
The date of the wedding
What is NYU; Revenue Cycle Systems Analyst
Jancy's job and title
What is CVS
Sony's job
Who is Jancy
The older one in the relationship
What is The Rocks, Bayside, Queens, New York
The location of the proposal
What is Chicago
The location of the wedding
What is Girl
Jancy’s household nickname
What is Cubs, Bulls, Bears
Sony’s favorite baseball, basketball, and football teams
What is May 2017
The month and year they matched
Who are Jason and Brandon
The people present for the proposal
What is 14
Number of people in the wedding party (including bride and groom)?
What is How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days
Jancy’s favorite movie
What is Skokie
Sony's hometown
What is September 2018
The month and year they met in person
Who is Sheena
The first person Jancy called (second to her parents)
What is green
The color of the Manthrakodi
What is Duck Dynasty
Jancy’s guilty pleasure TV show
What is October 21st
Sony's birthday
What is Food Poisoning
The unfortunate incident that occurred the 2nd time they saw each other in person
What is cushion cut
The type of engagement ring
What is a trick question!
The location of the honeymoon