Basic Stats | Background | Work | Future |
What is Jamie's last name?
What color is Jamie's dining room wall?
blueish green?
What is Jamie's computer operating system of choice?
When is Jamie's official last day as Snthesis?
Monday, Oct. 24th
How tall is jamie?
idk, how tall are you? 6'3?
What Is one of Jamie's hobbies?
board games, playing with his dogs. I think he likes hiking and gardening too? i could be wrong. feel free to chime in jamie.
how long has Jamie worked at Snthesis
2 years? 2.5?
How do you feel about Jamie leaving?
The only correct answer:
sad to see you go, but we wish you the very best luck! |
How old is jamie?
idk again, maybe... 38? no older than 40 surely...
How did Jamie learn to code?
He went to a coding boot-camp (the Iron Yard - now defunct). The same one as Matt, but not in Durham. Jamie went to the one in... Charleston, SC?
name two languages, libraries, or technology frameworks that jamie knows how to use
javascript, React, Node.js, SQL, ... jamie, plz fill in the rest...
Jamie will be missed at Snthesis by these five people:
Matt. Emerson, Theo, Kathy, Joe
Name two other humans who live in Jamie's house
Graham, Henry, Anne.
How did Jamie meet Emerson and eventually get hired at Snthesis?
I think ya'll met and became friends at a game night? and when Emerson needed a front end lead he approached you as you were leaving your previous job?
Name two projects Jamie worked on while at Snthesis
Snthesis bio front end, agbiome inventory mgmt system, CDD vault integration, ummm... a ton of others. use your best judgement.
What company is Jamie moving onto next?
Wrangle in American Underground in downtown Durham.
What are Jamie's pets named?
snips and sophie!
Name one company Jamie has worked for in the past.
Automated Insights... probably many others.
What code editor/IDE does jamie use on a day to day basis?
When is Jamie's first official day at his new company?
idk... when is it?