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What is September 10th, 2001
When is James Haverstocks Birthday? (mm/dd/year)
Who is Kyle Whynot
Who is James Haverstocks BFF?
What is Coors Light
What is James Haverstocks favourite beer brand?
What is Drunk Driving (Relax guys just out of the driveway and back)
What Illegal thing did James Haverstock do?
What is Wendys
Where does James Haverstock work?
What is Douglas
What is James Haverstocks Middle Name?
Who is Gypsy
What is the name of James Haverstocks dog?
What is Dark Rum
Does James Haverstock like dark or white rum?
What is Beer Pong
What game does James Haverstock take his shirt off for?
Who are Thumper and Scooter
What are James Haverstocks cats names?
What is Virgo
What is James Haverstocks Zodiac Sign?
Who is Logan Vanoostrum
Which one of James Haverstocks friends ignored all his messages?
What is 3 weeks ago at Maddy Killams
When do you think was the last time James Haverstock puked after drinking?
What is Cocaine
What drug might James Haverstock accidentally have done but we don't know for sure?
What is Hash
What other illegal thing has James Haverstock done?
What is blue
What is James Haverstocks favourite color?
Who are Gavin Corbin and Jacob Low
Which two friends does James Haverstock play video games with every night?
What is Pink Whitney
What alcohol can James Haverstock no longer drink after a night out with Kyle Whynot?
Who is Kyle Whynot
Who in this room has James Haverstock Kissed?
What is yes
Is James Haverstock a fortnite pro?
What is Dairy allergy
What allergy does James Haverstock have?
Who is Nikki Roach
Who is James Haverstocks best friend on snapchat?
What is Guinness Beer
What is the worst alcoholic beverage James Haverstock ever had?
What is 32 C
What bra size is James Haverstock?
What is Love (I know James got a little sensitive with this question)
What is James Haverstocks biggest fear?