Equities and Odds | Wug Location | It's a Mixed Game | I'm a Live Pro! | About Each Other (mostly) |
What is 48.58%
Your equity pre-flop when holding AKs when your opponent has 44.
What is Ledyard, CT
What is a popular vote
Johnny Moss, the winner of the first World Series of Poker was chosen by this method.
Who is Allen Cunningham
What is the Pokerstars $11r
What is 1 in 221, or 0.45%?
The odds of getting dealt pocket Aces pre-flop in texas holdem.
What is Thackerville, OK
What is Ace 8
"Wild Bill" Hickock was shot in the back while holding this hand, hence it being dubbed the "dead man's hand"
Who is David Diaz
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What is a reality TV star?
In 2013 Niall was featured on an internet radio show. He tricked the host of the show into thinking he was famous for this reason.
What is 34.75%
Your equity holding 65dd on a 7d 3d 2h flop when your opponent has 33.
What is Jacksonville, FL
Who is Vicky Coren-Mitchell
She surprised the poker world when she won EPT San Remo to become the first 2 time EPT champion
Who is Brock Parker
Who is Shane (Oct 28th, 2006)
Out of the 4 of us, this person joined pocketfives.com the earliest
What is 6.21% (A9o vs AA)
This is the least amount of equity you can have when you get all in pre-flop vs 1 opponent in texas holdem.
What is Niagara Falls, ON
What is hearts
It's up for debate whether the sword is in his head or behind it; the king of this suit is typically referred to as the "suicide king"
Who is Scott Clements
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What is "gg Chunk"
The expression Deoxy chose to tell us that his pet lizard "Chunk" had passed away.
What is 38.81%
Your equity pre-flop when holding 44 when your opponent has a range of: (88+, ATs+,AJo+,KQs)
What is Black Hawk, CO
The Lodge
What is the Epic Poker League
This high stakes poker tour, ran in part by Annie Duke, went bankrupt and abruptly ended after only three events.
Who is Kenny "Super Tuan" Nguyen
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What is "Prospicience"
Your friend Pratyush Buddiga won the 2002 national spelling bee, this was his winning word.