Name that burn... | Treatment | prevention | Fun Facts |
Heat burns (1st,2nd,3rd), chemical burns, electrical burns
What is the type of burns discussed today?
when do you seek medical attention for chemical burns?
True/False sunscreen, aloe vera, or moisturizer can be applied to burns
how are burns characterized by?
Heat/Second Degree
what is the burn on the outer layer of the skin?
brush dry chemicals off
what do you do before flushing skin with water?
Keep victim warm
how do you want to treat the victim after a thermal third degree burn?
the severity of the burn
what determines the type of treatment?
Heat (second Degree)
Severe pain is a result of what type of burn?
in a chemical burn when do you flush skin with water?
dry sterile dressing
What do you cover the burn with?
Do you Put a burn under hot, cold, or cool?
acid or alkali substances touches the skin.
What is a chemical burn?
20 minutes
how long do you flush a chemical burn?
burnssmoke alarms
turn pot handles remove electrical cords from floors etc
Name a household prevention against
first or second degree burns covering less than 15% of the body.
What burns can be treated at home
Electric burn
Which burn causes internal injuries?
how many volts (in a electric burn) can cause death?
what type of medication is said to help
determines the % of body surface are affected on people older the 9 years of age.
what is the rule of nine