Structure | Function | Accessory Organs | Burns | Homeostasis |
What are the dermis and epidermis?
The 2 skin layers.
What is protection?
The main function of the epidermis
What are nails, hair, oil & sweat glands.
Name the 4 accessory organs
What is 1st?
A sunburn is this degree.
What is shiver, goosebumps, constrict blood flow to skin?
Name one way we will raise our body temp if cold.
What is 4?
The epidermis is 5 layers on your feet and palms and this many layers everywhere else.
What is keratin?
This protein makes the skin hard and waterproof.
What are sebaceous glands?
Another name for oil glands.
What is epidermis and part of dermis?
Second degree burns include these layers.
What is 98.6 F?
The body's temperature set point
What is subcutaneous layer?
Beneath the 2 layers of skin is this sort-of layer.
What is regulating body temp?
Shivering is an example of this function.
What are apocrine galnds?
The sudoriferous glands found in your armpits & groin.
What is 3rd?
Black leathery charred skin that may reach the bone is this degree burn.
What are sweat glands?
Name the effectors that help cool the body down if too hot.
What is stratified squamous?
The epidermis is composed of this type of tissue.
What is reg body temp, excrete waste?
Sweat helps with these 2 functions
What are eccrine sweta glands?
The sudoriferous glands found on your neck, back and palms.
What are 2nd and 3rd?
These burns can leave scars.
What is the brain?
Name the control center which informs the effectors.
What is epithelial, muscle, nervous, connective?
The dermis is made up of these 4 tissue types.
What are melanocytes?
These cells produce melanin which helps protect the skin from UV damage.
What is the lunula?
The growing part of the nail.
What is the protective layer of the epidermis is removed?
Burns can be easily infected for this reason.
What is hyperthermia?
Being over 106 F is called this.