Network Devices | Network Information | CATs | Network Trivia | Regular Trivia |
What is a switch
Device that makes forwarding decisions based on MAC addresses, also used to discipline children in the 1800s
What is Wide Area Network
WAN stands for
What is CAT5e
The most common type of ethernet cable, best performance for cost
What is 802.11a
802.11g and what other type of wireless device won't work together in the g protocol standard
Who is Beck
He gloriously defeated Beyonce for album of the year
What is a multipurpose device
A device that integrates a switch, a router, and a wireless access point into one package is called
What is Cellular service
Allows people to wirelessly connect to the internet while traveling
What is CAT3
Phone cable, can also hook up a modem
What is fiber optic
The fastest available network connection option
What is Measles
This highly contagious, dangerous, and easily preventable disease is rapidly spreading across the United States and Mexico as we speak
What is a hub
The dumb way to split network connections up between computers
What is a Network host
A printer that is connected to a switch, a hub, or a router is considered to be a
What is CAT5
The original Ethernet standard
What is Light
Fiber optic cables use what to transmit signals?
Who is Brian Williams
News anchor who "mis-remembered" being in a helicopter that was hit by an RPG in the middle east (note that it never actually happened)
What is DHCP server
This type of server provides login information, local network access, printer services, and internet access to computers in its domain
What is Personal Area Network, and Bluetooth
PAN stands for what, AND what technology is required to connect to one?
What is CAT8
The newest and fastest ethernet version that is not yet widely available
What is speed (in Mbps, double points if you mention this part)
The 1000 in 1000BASE-T standard indicates what statistic for the cable?
What is ISIS
Radical militant group that has taken control of a great deal of Iraq and Syria. Also the name of Lord Grantham's dog in Downton Abbey
What is Client/Server Model
Secure access to confidential information, centralized database for storing said information, and ability to do regular backups are benefits of this model over P2P
What is Logical Topology or Network Topology
This describes how computers access a LAN medium
What is Feeny
Mr. Conney's first cat's name
What is 328 ft or 100 m
How far can a 1000BASE-T standard cable stretch and still work?
What is The Silmarillion
Mr. Conney's current book of choice; written by J.R.R. Tolkien, and edited by Christopher Tolkien. It tells the story of the creation of Middle Earth long before Hobbits and the Rings of Power.