Origins of Islam & the Five Pillars | The Fifth Pillar | The Spread of Islam & Islam in Africa | September 11th and Radical Islam | Misperceptions of Islam |
What is a religion based on the teachings of Muhammad?
What is the name of the pilgrimage to Mecca Muslims make?
The Hajj
What is the name of the geographical area the modern country Saudi Arabia is located?
Arabian peninsula
Who is Osama bin Laden
The deceased leader of the radical Islamic terrorist group Al Qaeda
Who is Abraham?
Jews, Christians and Muslims trace their roots back to this religious figure
What are the five pillars of Islam?
Prayer Charity Fast Pilgrimage |
What is the name of the large rectangular structure in Mecca that people have come to worship at for centuries?
The Ka'aba
Circle Mali and Egypt on the map provided
What is religious fundamentalism?
To follow a strict set of guidelines, usually a rejection of adapting to modern times.
What is one reason the veil is restrictive to Muslim women? What is one reason it is liberating?
- Forced to wear it by social, legal factors; sign of submission
- Able to be judged on character as opposed to appearance, celebrate their faith |
What is the city whose name translates to "City of the Prophet"?
What is the Hijrah, and Yathrib (Medina)?
The name of the journey Muhammad took when he left Mecca, and where he went on the journey
Who are the Sunnis, Shias?
________ believe authority is passed down through consensus of the community. __________ believe authority is passed down through ancestral connection to Muhammad.
What is ISIS?
Fundamentalist Muslim group whose aim is to create an Islamic state using violent tactics.
What is evidence against the misperception that Islam is violent?
- Do not allow violence in Mecca
- Force conversion is not allowed by the Koran |
What are two of the reactions the people of Mecca had to Muhammad's teachings?
-Afraid Mecca would no longer be a pilgrimage center
-Rejected his teachings because differed from their own religious beliefs |
What is the name given to following customary procedures of living in the ways of Muhammad?
What are two reasons expansion of the Islamic Empire happened so quickly and successfully?
- People were treated well, as long as they paid taxes they could keep their own traditions and culture
- Their enemy was weak and they persecuted their people - People liked the message of Islam |
Locate the following places on the map: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria
What is The Middle Ages?
The time period the Islamic Empire grew during?
Gabriel, Muhammad, Allah, Koran
The angel ___________ visited __________. He and his followers then wrote down the words of _____________ in the holy book called the ________________.
What is to be closer to god, to feel more at one with oneself and human kind?
The purpose of going on the Hajj
What are some of the ways Islam impacted Africa?
- Instituted social structure of caste system
- Aided in advancements in technology - Provided written language |
Who are the Taliban and Al Qaeda?
_______ fundamentalist Islamic group in control of Afghanistan's government from the mid 1990s to 2001.
_________ is the terrorist organization responsible for the September 11th attacks |
What are misperceptions about faith, values, customs?
Challenges to Muslims in America