Prophet Study Muslim Manners Companions Beliefs Quran
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Name 5 Prophets
Always be kind, courteous, and mindful. Ask how they are, share your provisions with them and always help them when necessary.
How should we treat our neighbors?
Abu Bakr (RA), Umar (RA), Uthman (RA), Ali (RA)
Who were the four Khalifas after the Prophet's (SAW) death?
Shahada, Salah, Zakat, Fasting, Hajj
What are the 5 pillars?
114 Surahs total
How many Surahs are there in the Quran?
Which book was revealed to Prophet Dawud?
To be obedient to parents and to show kindness to them has been enjoined along with the Oneness and Worship of Allah, in the Holy Quraan, in such a manner that it appears that among human deeds, to obey parents and treat them with respect and kindness.
How are we supposed to treat our parents; according to the Quran and Sunnah?
Zayd (RA); He was kidnapped from his tribe and sold as a slave and was bought by the Prophet's wife. She then gifted Zayd to the Prophet who was very kind to him. One day Zayd's father and uncle came across him and wished to take him back to his family.
Who was the Prophet's adopted slave and what is his story?
Answer depends
What are the 6 rights of a muslim?
Surah Tawba because Allah(SWT) was angry during the time He revealed this surah to the Prophet
Which Surah does not begin with Bismillah? Why?
Zaboor, Injeel, Taurat, Quran, Suhoof,
What are the 5 books revealed to Prophets?
Answer depends
Explain how important it is that we treat our elders and youngsters with respect.
Aisha; she married him at the age of 13 and was his second wife after the death of Khadija.
Who was the Prophet's second wife and when was he married to her?
It commemorates the night that the Quran was revealed to The Prophet (SAW).
(Explanation depends)
Explain what Laylat ul Qadr is and it's importance
A Sajda is found in specific special ayahs and after you read one you must get up and make Sujood.
What are the Sajdas and what must you do after reaching one?
Answer depends
Who are 2-3 prophets and how are they related?
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Using examples explain how we as muslims should correct other's mistakes and spread Dawah.
Sa'd Ibn Waqqas, Talha bin Ubaydullah, Ali ibn Ali Talib, Abu Ubaydah ibn Jarrah, Umar Ibn Khattab and Muayb bin Umair
Mention 2-3 companions who stayed in the battle of Uhud and defended the Prophet while majority of the army ran fearing for their lives.
Answer depends
What is the Islamic belief regarding Solar Eclipses?
Surat Al- Naml
Which Surah has Bismillah mentioned twice in the entire Surah?
Adam, Nuh, Idrees, Ismael, Ishaaq, Lut, Yusuf, Yaqub, Salih, Elyas, El Yasa, Shoaib, Muhammed, Isa, Dawud, Sulieman, Musa, Harun, Yahya, Ayyub, Zachariya, Ibrahim, Yunus, Dhul Kifl, Hud
What are the 25 prophets mentioned in the Quran?
Answer depends
What was the Prophet's (SAW) character like? Using examples explain his manners and how he treated others?
Abd ar-Rahman ibn Awf, Abu Ubaidah ibn Al- Jarrah, al- Arqanm ibn ' Abi al- Arqam, Uthman ibn Madh'un, Talhah ibn Ubaidullah
Who are the 5 companions that Abu Bakr (RA) invited to Islam and later became among the Ashra Mubashira (the ten given the glad tidings of Jannah in this world)
Answer Dependsr
Explain the difference between Islam and any other religion. What are the similarities? Why do we not believe the same thing they do?
Wa Lakhad Yassar Nal Qurana Lith Thikiri
وَلَقَدۡ يَسَّرۡنَا ٱلۡقُرۡءَانَ لِلذِّكۡرِ فَهَلۡ مِن مُّدَّكِر (١٧)ٍ۬
What is the saying that if said the Quran will become easy for you?

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