Land of the Desert Sand | Our Man Muhammad | Muslims, Christians, and Jews, Oh My! | Practice What You Preach | Overachievers |
What is Caravan
A group of traders who travelled together.
What is Muslims
Those who followed Muhammad’s teachings became known as this.
What is "People of the Book"
Muslims, Christians, and Jews share similar stories in their holy books and taught many of the same ideas, so the Qur’an refers to Christians and Jews as this name.
What is Qur'an
The holy book of Islam is called this.
What is Algebra
Muslim mathematicians invented this type of math.
What is Oasis
A wet, fertile area in a desert.
What is Medina
In 622, Muhammad left Mecca and arrived in this city, where he gathered many followers.
What is One God
Muslims, Christians, and Jews are monotheistic because they believe in this.
What is Sunnah
The code by which Muslims are supposed to live is called this.
What is Calligraphy
Muslims invented a type of decorative writing known as this.
What is Mecca
This city was the largest center of trade in Arabia and where Muhammad was born.
What is Polytheistic
Before Muhammad began converting followers of Islam, most Arabians were this, since they believed in many gods.
What is Son of God
Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet but don’t believe that he was this.
What is Allah is the only God and Muhammad was God’s prophet
This is the central teaching of Islam.
What is Minaret
Muslims developed this architectural feature, a narrow tower form which Muslims are called to prayer.
What is Nomads
An advantage of being one of these people was that a tribe offered protection from violence and desert dangers.
What is Equality/Rich should give charity to the poor
Wealthy people were upset by Muhammad because he taught this.
What is Abraham
All three religions share this common prophet, the patriarch of Judaism.
What is Shariah
This is the name for Islamic law.
What is Astrolabe
Muslim astronomers invented this tool, which charts the position of the stars.
What is Townspeople/Sedentary People
An advantage of being one of these people was that they lived a safer, more stable lifestyle and had more access to water and goods.
What is "Recite!"
Muslims believe that God spoke to Muhammad through an angel who told him to do this, which led to the creation of Islam.
What is Tolerance
Muslims adopted this policy toward Christians and Jews, meaning that they practiced acceptance and lived alongside them.
What is Jihad
The inner struggle people go through in their effort to obey God and behave according to Islamic ways.
What is Sufis
These Muslim poets and philosophers taught that people could find God’s love by having a personal relationship with God.