The Clean Water Act Factory Farms Get the Lead Out Fracking Clean Water Communities
What is Earth Day?
In 1970, 20 million Americans participated in THIS day of action to demand clean air and water.
What is a dead zone?
When too much nitrogen or phosphorous flow into our waters, THIS condition can result, where there is so little oxygen in the water that few fish or aquatic life can survive
What is Flint?
This Michigan city suffered catastrophic lead contamination of its water over the past two years
What is shale?
Hydraulic fracturing is often used to extract fossil fuels from THIS type of rock
What is a sewage overflow?
When a wastewater treatment plant is overwhelmed by stormwater, THIS yucky thing can happen.
What is 1983?
The Clean Water Act set a goal of having all our waterways clean by THIS year.
What is guacamole.
The algal blooms in Florida’s rivers last summer were so green and thick that people compared them to THIS classic Mexican dish
What are IQ points?
According to medical experts, young children across the country will lose 20 million of THESE because of exposure to low levels of lead.
What is radioactive?
Scientists were "all aglow" when they discovered that fracking wastewater can contain THIS type of material, from deep underground?
What are impervious surfaces?
While in nature stormwater percolates down into the soil, THESE types of surfaces funnel stormwater into nearby waterways or our sewage systems.
What is go to court to enforce the law?
If polluters violate their permits, and government fails to act, the Clean Water Act allows ordinary citizens to do THIS.
What is Tyson?
This company reported dumping more pounds of toxic pollution into our waterways than Dow, or Exxon or Koch Industries.
What is the Safe Drinking Water Act?
Intended to keep our drinking water safe, rules under this federal law set limits on lead and other contaminants
What is methane.
Scientists say THIS substance is 86 times more potent than carbon, as a greenhouse gas over a 20-year period.
What is one million?
An acre of wetlands can hold up to THIS many gallons of stormwater.
Who is John Rapanos?
In 2006, THIS Michigan developer brought a case all the way to the Supreme Court, resulting in a decision that put half our nation’s streams and 20 million acres of wetlands at risk of losing Clean Water Act protection.
What is . . . Washington state? Wisconsin? Des Moines? Tulsa? Toledo?
Name one city or state where pollution from factory farms has contaminated drinking water sources.
What are Lead Service Lines?
In many communities, a major source of lead contamination is THESE pipes that bring water from the street into our homes.
What is the Halliburton loophole?
THIS loophole – named after the oil and gas company run by former Vice President Dick Cheney – exempts fracking from the Safe Drinking Water Act.
What are rainbarrels? rooftop gardens? permeable pavement? etc.
DAILY DOUBLE! These “green infrastructure” techniques can mimic nature’s ability to retain stormwater; name up to three.
What is TMDL? or What is anti-degradation? or What is the Clean Water State Revolving Fund?
Besides permits, THIS is one of the CWA’s many tools to protect our waterways from pollution.
What are . . . buffer zones? Cover crops? Rotational pasture? Reducing manure application to cropland?
Name one practice that can reduce pollution from agriculture.
What is Lansing, MI or Madison, WI?
Even before the crisis in Flint, Michigan, THIS Midwestern city replaced its lead service lines.
What are earthquakes
Some say fracking is on shaky ground, now that scientists have linked THESE to deep-well injection of fracking wastewater.
What are source waters?
Drinking water in Boston, New York, and Tacoma, WA is naturally cleaner than many other places because THESE are off-limits to pollution or development.

Is Our Water in Jeopardy?

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