CHARTING How TO Unit Workflow
What is "Written directive confirmed with Authorized user" and Y-90 Administration started, Y-90 administration ended
What specific to theraspheres needs to be charted in IR narrator
What is 3000u Heparin, 2.5mg Verapamil, 200mcg Nitro
What medication and what dose of each goes into a Radial Cocktail
What is let management team know and call in 2nd team.
What is the protocol if you are on call, and in an emergent case, and you are informed there is another emergent case that needs to be done.
What is dose delivered time
What specific to MAA procedure needs to be charted in IR narrator
What is SLOWLY (over 10 minutes) and undiluted
How is Protamine administered
What is the Procedure RN in the room.
Who should be sending for ICU patient to come to procedure
What is Q15 minutes
Post TPA administration for stroke thrombectomy patient, how often do we need to chart NIHSS
What is in Erin's top desk drawer, needs to be sent in a dark bag, and tubed to 260
Where are Thyroseq vials and how/where do you send.
What is date, time, fluid, and intials.
How do you properly label a specimen

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